Monday, December 31, 2007

Easy Meditation

I've been meditating myself for nigh on 35 years. While meditation works to center and calm the mind, maintaining a focus and clearing your mind of all that jabber is not an easy thing to do, no matter how long you've been meditating.

But what if - with no effort at all - you could meditate like a Buddhist monk and achieve results that will blow your mind!

With Centerpointe's Holosync Solution, it's not only possible, it's thoroughly enjoyable!

I started out with the Awakening Prologue which takes all of thirty minutes per day. All you do is plug into a portable CD player (a must and easy to get item for about $25) with stereo headphones, sit in a comfortable position and listen to the falling rain and crystal bowls (which sound like the deep-throated gongs from a Buddhist temple).

That's it!

Underneath the sounds you're listening to is a new technology that stimulates your brain and creates brain wave patterns that provide you with deep relaxation, greater creativity, super learning, and increased serontonin production to name a few of its benefits!

I've found I need less sleep using Centerpointe's Holosync Solution as well as having a greater sense of freedom and creativity.

I've moved onto Awakening Prologue, Level I and I am enjoying more than the Awakening Prologue as it features leading edge virtual audio technology. Along with this level comes a disc with my own affirmations in my own voice layered under the soothing sounds of the surf.

The really great part about all of this is - my life just keeps getting better and better.

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